Rev Kenneth T. St Hilaire, State Chaplain
February 2025
My Brother Knights,
When I was in the major seminary, a story used to circulate about a priest who had formerly been on the faculty at that institution. “St. Joseph would have never held a lily!” he reportedly used to say, reacting to the traditional image of the saint holding the Christ Child and a stem of lilies. Apparently, he thought a real man would never associate himself with something so “girly” as flowers.
Thomas C. Williams, State Secretary
February 2025
My Brother Knights
We are starting to get into the busy time of year as we get ready for the Convention, so if you reach out to me please be patient – I will get back to you eventually. I am deep in processing all the checks sent to me for Per Capita and Pennies For Heaven, too. Thank you to Councils who have been diligent and paid their invoices already, that is much appreciated! If you have not sent in your payments, please remember that Per Capita does not require a Council vote.
Scott E. Hulse, PhD, State Treasurer
February 2025
My Brother Knights, It has been a privilege serving as the Washington State Council Treasurer during this and the previous fraternal year. One of the insights I have gained while serving and trying to assure the fidelity of our financial records while assuring that our State Council’s financial resources are managed in a prudent manner is that our State Council must operate with a transparent budget. With a budget we will be able to compare scheduled with actual expenditures and thus minimize the chance for overspending.
David H. Olwell, Ph.D., State Advocate
February 2025
My Brother Knights,
By the time this bulletin is published, councils should have submitted their Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity which was due 1/31/2025, and should be close to submitting their semi-annual audit, due 2/15/2025.
Our Worthy Director of Finance and Administration, Brother Kevin Fraley, sent out excellent guidance on how to complete the audit last year. If you didn’t save a copy, it can be found here. ...
Dang H. Nguyen, State Warden
February 2025
My Brother Knights,
As we move into February this year, we are still in the celebration of the Lunar New Year, which began on January 29th. At the new Vietnamese Martyr’s church in Tukwila, there has been a full week of concession of food along with daily Mass beginning on the 28th (New Year’s Eve) through Sunday, February 2. During this time of celebration, we attend Mass to thank God for our blessings in the past year and pray for the Lord’s graces in the upcoming new year. ...
Kim L. Washburn, Immediate Past State Deputy
February 2025
My Brother Knights,
This fraternal year is coming to a close. Sound too early, it started to close July 1st. As Worthy State Advocate Dave aptly put it, Early is Easier. That sentiment is so true in many ways. Just think about it, throughout the year many requirements need to be fulfilled. To late makes it very hard to complete and really late makes it impossible.
Forms and requirements that are not due until later in the year can be started earlier making them easier to complete…doesn’t take as much time when they are due. ...
Gregory S. Mahoney, State Deputy
February 2025
My Brother Knights, Last month I encouraged all Knights to make a purposeful effort to grow in holiness during this Jubilee Year of Hope. I want to share with you a short passage from a Meditation of the Day that I read in the January 2025 edition of the Magnificat. The meditation is entitled, Shining with the Divine Measure. It begins, ...